






バーチャル修学旅行引率者 《ゴールドコースト》 ロビナ高校 ミシェールグレイ先生
バーチャル修学旅行団受入 《京都》総本山仁和寺
バーチャル修学旅行企画・支援 《京都》(一社)先端イメージング工学研究所 井手亜里 京都大学名誉教授

オーストラリア ゴールドコースト ロビナ高校

私たち日本語コースの11年生は技術と旅行について勉強しています。 学生は、海外旅行についてと技術がどのようして旅行内容の決定とプラニングに影響するかを勉強しています。



11年生の学生らは 仁和寺3Dのホームページにアクセスして、ヘッドセットとイヤホンを使って、日本旅行を体感しました。


  • いろいろな角度で美しい御室桜を360度で鑑賞できた
  • 日本の寺院の色彩と気候を含めて四季を経験できた
  • 空からのドローンの映像は本当に仁和寺の上を飛んでいる感じだった
  • 寺院(仁和寺)の歴史に関する説明は、十分かつ丁度よい長さだった
  • 非公開の建物の中まで鑑賞できた
  • 景色や音も含め、日本にいるような気分になった
  • これまでと違う方法で京都を発見できた。次は、日本に行って、自分の目で見たい
  • 将来日本に旅行できる日をドキドキしながら待っている
  • 高品質のビデオは文化財と寺院の現実的な感覚を作り出す
  • 学生らは VR技術をほかの分野で使って、勉強できることを理解した
  • VR技術が、実際寺院に行けない人々(体の不自由な方、病気の人、あるいは経済的に行けない人々)に、いかに役に立つかが理解できた。
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告2
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告3



  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告4
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告5

Teacher Reflections – Ninnaji 3D Tour
Robina State High School, Australia
Michelle Gray – Year 11 Japanese Teacher

Currently, Year 11 students who study the Japanese language course are learning about travel and technology. Students are studying global travel and the various ways technology is used to influence travel decisions and plans. These Year 11 students were due to travel to Japan September 2020 on the Robina High Japan Trip. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trip was cancelled. Students now need to explore other ways to engage in Japanese culture and language. They need to learn about new, innovative methods and technology, relevant to their studies about travel and alternatives to physically travelling to Japan. An opportunity to engage with 3D technology came from Advanced Imaging Technology Research Center (AITReC), The Ninnaji Temple 3D Project.

Most students have never used VR or 3D technology to experience and explore Japan. This was certainly a new experience for students and a chance to use the school’s VR headsets. The Year 11 Japanese classes explored the Ninnaji Temple 3D website and other UNESCO heritage sites through VR headsets and earphones to complete the feeling of being in Japan. The VR headsets are the simple ocular headsets which operate through inserting a mobile phone and app. Students thoroughly enjoyed the two VR lessons, completing a survey for the Ninnaji 3D Tour and a reflection about their VR engagement prior and after the lessons in Japanese.Overall, student highlights of the 3D website/videos were;

  • Seeing beautiful cherry blossoms from all angles – 360 degrees
  • Experiencing the 4 seasons of Japanese temples – colours and weather
  • Flyover (drone) footage felt like you were walking through the temple
  • Understanding information about the history of the sites – a good length of information
  • Viewing areas not on display to the public
  • Feeling like you were in Japan, sights and sounds
  • It was a different and fun way to explore Kyoto – we now want to go and see it in Japan!
  • Creating excitement for when we can travel to Japan in the future
  • Excellent quality video creates a realistic view of the artefacts and temples
  • Students now understand how to use VR technology to use for learning experiences in other curriculum areas
  • Understanding how VR technology can help people who can’t travel to the temples (inclusive) – disabled/unwell people, people who can’t afford to go.
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告2
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告3

All students expressed their excitement for travelling to Kyoto and Japan in the future after using VR in the lessons. Students also really enjoyed the VR experience and are eager to do activities like this again. We would like to extend more students at Robina High and community, the opportunity to engage with and virtually travel to Japan using VR technology. We intend to apply for funding and grants to assist with buying more advanced and upgraded VR headsets so students without mobile phones and community members without understanding of the technology, can access this method of exploring Japan with ease. Robina High students and teachers wish to express sincere thanks to Advanced Imaging Technology Research Center (AITReC) and Ninnaji Temple for their resources, support and encouragement in “VR travel to Japan.”

  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告4
  • VR技術を用いたバーチャル修学旅行体験報告5